9 Comprehensive Data Science Cheat Sheets – Built In

If you need  information about any topic — tech-related or otherwise — what do you do? Like most people, you head to Google and you find thousands of materials, articles, books and videos about your topic. Although this easy access to information allows people around the world to l…….


If you need  information about any topic — tech-related or otherwise — what do you do? Like most people, you head to Google and you find thousands of materials, articles, books and videos about your topic. Although this easy access to information allows people around the world to learn new skills, start new careers and explore topics from the comfort of their homes, the glut of information can be overwhelming. Cheat sheets to the rescue! 

Cheat sheets are an amazing resource for shortcut information about various data science  topics. They’re great for experienced data scientists looking to brush-up their skills but especially useful for those entering the field or diving into a new topic.

When I was in high school, undergrad and even my postgrad studies, I used to make cheat sheets the old fashioned way — with a pen and a paper — for any topic I wanted to understand better. That took a long time, but in the end, it was worth it because I had all the basic information at my fingertips.

Luckily for me (and you!), the good people of the internet with a much better sense of design created these cheat sheets for different data science topics. These are some of my favorites and they’ve helped me a lot in my career.

Data Science Cheat Sheet Topics

  1. Probabilty
  2. Statistics
  3. SQL
  4. Pandas
  5. Data Visualization
  6. Matplotlib
  7. Machine Learning
  8. Natural Language Processing
  9. Jupyter Notebooks


1. Probability

The core of data science is math and, in particular, probability theory. When analyzing data you’ve collected, the data often follows one of the most commonly used probability distributions. Knowing how these distributions look, their characteristics, properties and what they mean is essential for every data scientist.

You need to know what random variables are, calculate the main properties of any distribution, and how to tell the difference between them. This comprehensive 10-page cheat sheet contains a semester’s worth of materials and covers all the basics of probability theory.

More From Sara A. Metwalli4 Probability Distributions Every Data Scientist Needs to Know


2. Statistics

As a field, data science collects and analyzes data to predict future data and events using statistics. As a result, data scientists can help businesses find trends, patterns, decide what strategies are working/not working and what their users want. But what if …….

Source: https://builtin.com/data-science/data-science-cheat-sheets