Mystery drones over Sweden spark security scare – POLITICO Europe

STOCKHOLM — As darkness fell Tuesday Evening time, Stockholmers Appeared to the skies and questioned whether or not the drones have been coming again.

Over current days, reviews have multiplied of black-winged machines flying at Evening time over A selection of delicate websites, coll…….


STOCKHOLM — As darkness fell Tuesday Evening time, Stockholmers Appeared to the skies and questioned whether or not the drones have been coming again.

Over current days, reviews have multiplied of black-winged machines flying at Evening time over A selection of delicate websites, collectively with three nuclear power stations, An monumental water remedy plant and a royal palace. 

A photograph revealed by the Swedish Daily Expressen on Tuesday — shot by a passerby, Mathias Øgendal — confirmed what Appeared to be a drone flying over the central Stockholm amusement park Gröna Lund. 

“I noticed it by way of the entrance windscreen of my automotive, flying extreme over The metropolis,” Øgendal informed the paper. “I assumed it was unusual that it was flying round there.”

In An indication thOn the reviews are being taken critically by the authorities, the Swedish Safety Service (Usually acknowledged as Säpo), said it has taken over the investigation into the flights over the nuclear power stations.

Per Engström, a police chief in Stockholm, informed Swedish broadcaster SVT on Wednesday morning that no suspects had been recognized So far, however that investigations continued and the police reprimaryed open-minded about eventual motives behind the drone exercise. 

“There’s An excellent deal of hypothesis about motives — that it might, For event, be an try at mapping out websites,” he said. “It Could be People Who’ve flown their drones into these places by mistake.” 

But As a Outcome of the Quantity of reviews of drones has elevated, and as eyewitness descriptions have suggested the machines have been of a winged type favored by the army, hypothesis has grown that a hostile state Might be accountable. 

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