How to Include Cybersecurity Training in Employee Onboarding – Security Intelligence

Bringing new employees up to speed on company policies and procedures, or employee onboarding, is standard practice. The process covers topics like what’s expected in daily work, proper communication channels and vacation and sick leave policies. In well-prepar…….

Bringing new employees up to speed on company policies and procedures, or employee onboarding, is standard practice. The process covers topics like what’s expected in daily work, proper communication channels and vacation and sick leave policies. In well-prepared companies, it also includes extensive cybersecurity training. Quality employee cybersecurity training, along with ongoing training for existing employees, plays a big role in keeping your company’s data, software and other digital assets safe.

Cybersecurity best practices training for employees is a lot like teaching children about personal hygiene. Knowing you’re expected to brush your teeth, for example, tends to be easier when you understand why it’s so important. For your teeth, it’s about preventing cavities and keeping a healthy mouth. For cybersecurity, it’s about maintaining the health and security of your company data and protecting customer and employee privacy.

While the onboarding process for new employees is part of the HR department’s jobs, it isn’t the only team that should be involved. Your IT team can help guide cybersecurity training, and the HR team can help instill a sense of duty for those best practices in new hires as they move through the onboarding phase.

Getting Employees on Board With Cybersecurity Training

It’s much easier to get cybersecurity best practices and awareness buy-in when training is part of the onboarding process. Knowing that everyone has a hand in company data security, not just the IT team, is key, too.

Teaching new hires why policies exist is important, as is showing them how to correctly complete procedures. Making sure both ‘why’ and ‘how’ are understood helps increase the likelihood your company policies will be followed.

Develop clearly defined policies and procedures so employees aren’t confused about what’s expected of them. Involve employees in creating rules and processes. Well-trained and aware employees are more likely to notice suspicious emails and other warning signs before your IT team. After all, they’re getting messages and working with company data every day. These are the people who can see when something seems ‘weird’ or ‘wrong’. Their knowledge can be valuable in developing and refining your cybersecurity policies.

When employees are part of the process, they’re more likely to have a sense of ownership and responsibility for your cybersecurity plan.

Approach cybersecurity training in a structured way. Think of it as a cybersecurity checklist for new employees.

Set Employee Cybersecurity Expectations

Empower your employees by clearly …….
