11 Products to Make Ending Daylight Saving Time Easier and Suck Less – Newsweek

Let’s not beat around the bush: changing to daylight saving time and then back to standard time sucks. Whether you spring forward, losing an hour of sleep—which happens the second Sunday of March—or you fall back, gaining an hour of sleep—the first Sunday in November—it’s always a hassle …….


Let’s not beat around the bush: changing to daylight saving time and then back to standard time sucks. Whether you spring forward, losing an hour of sleep—which happens the second Sunday of March—or you fall back, gaining an hour of sleep—the first Sunday in November—it’s always a hassle readjusting to the season’s new schedule.

While we can’t convince all of North America to ditch the whole time change thing (after all, most countries don’t change their clocks seasonally), keep reading for 11 products that make ending daylight saving time a tad more bearable.

11 Products That Make Ending Daylight Saving Time Better

These products can help you adjust your circadian rhythm and get some restful shuteye, even after a time change weekend. As always, the prices listed may fluctuate over time.

Hatch Restore Smart Sleep Assistant

The Hatch Restore Smart Sleep Assistant is a one-stop-shop of everything you need for the time change.

Now that your internal clock is all kinds of messed up (curse you, circadian rhythm!), you need an actual, physical clock to do the work for you. Enter Hatch Restore Smart Sleep Assistant!

This fancy gadget is probably the only smart device that doesn’t actively harm your sleep cycle. It is part sound machine, part sunrise alarm, part smart light, part alarm clock and part meditation app—all rolled into one. The Hatch Restore lets you personalize your a.m. and p.m. routine. You can create a nighttime mood with a selection of soothing sounds and lights. But you can also design a daytime routine with a custom sunrise alarm that gradually gets brighter—emulating the sun’s rays—to support healthy cortisol levels better.

It even comes with a companion app, with the option of enabling a Hatch Sleep Membership, which gives you unlimited access to the product’s library of meditation and sleep content. It’s a must-have for the days following the time change!

Buy at Hatch for $129.99.

Snug Crystal Weighted Blanket

While other weighted blankets are full of pearls to add weight, the Snug Crystal Weighted Blanket from Sunday Citizen is infused with thousands of crystals.

The transition to or from daylight saving time—whether it’s spring or fall—may upend your regular sleep routine. The Snug Crystal Weighted Blanket from Sunday Citizen isn’t your average weighted napper. The interior of this plush …….

Source: https://www.newsweek.com/11-products-make-ending-daylight-saving-time-easier-suck-less-1643566