Contributed | Diversity: The secret sauce for tech sector growth? – DIGIT.FYI

Diversity in tech is crucial. For tech companies, nurturing and actively supporting a workforce of diverse talent is now a ‘non-negotiable’ – particularly if they are looking to develop meaningful technology that positively impacts the lives of a wider s…….


Diversity in tech is crucial. For tech companies, nurturing and actively supporting a workforce of diverse talent is now a ‘non-negotiable’ – particularly if they are looking to develop meaningful technology that positively impacts the lives of a wider spectrum of people.

In a sector that is set to play an increasing role in solving some of the biggest challenges we face as a species – recently brought into sharp focus by the COP26 negotiations in Glasgow – ‘groupthink’ is likely to be one of our biggest enemies.

Not only is nurturing and investing in inclusion and diversity the right thing to do, it’s also good for business too. I for one truly believe that taking positive action on the issue has been a cornerstone in my company’s explosive growth – AND Digital, which is now one of Europe’s fastest growing companies.

Below I share some thoughts and examples as to how we’ve invested in diversity to drive a growth mindset.

Transcending perception blindness 

At its most simplistic level, the global tech community is one of problem solvers. Although we use sophisticated technology to solve these often complex problems, it’s the very powerful human attributes like creativity, perception, logic and reasoning that are the real fuel for digital breakthroughs.

Following this logic, it’s no surprise that technology alone will only ever take us so far. If you have an industry that has the same technology and a homogenous workforce operating it, then we can only ever produce ‘one size fits all’ solutions to the problems we’re trying to solve.

As living organisms, each and every one of us is shaped by our environment and lived experiences. We each interpret and perceive our world differently from one another. When it comes to tackling challenges, having multiple ways of seeing the same problem is a huge benefit and will only ever lead to the most effective solutions being produced.

In short, diversity and inclusion are key ingredients in developing what is known as a ‘growth mindset’. Not only will they prevent the onset of perception blindness in an organisation, they’ll bring a whole raft of cultural, organisational and growth benefits in the long term.

Diversity in tech: Still work to do?

So, given the potential benefits and advantages that an enlightened approach to diversity can bring, you would expect the tech sector to be fully invested, right?

Unfortunately, recent research from Tech Nation shows that there’s still work to be done. In its recent report, Diversity and inclusion in UK …….
