AI: Find the Right Use for Artificial Intelligence – RTInsights

As companies seek ways to use artificial intelligence they will find AI is best applied to tasks that humans can’t do as well or don’t want to do at all.

The technological dreams of humans when it comes to artificial intelligence typically start with the self-centered “what do…….


As companies seek ways to use artificial intelligence they will find AI is best applied to tasks that humans can’t do as well or don’t want to do at all.

The technological dreams of humans when it comes to artificial intelligence typically start with the self-centered “what does it mean to me?” As individuals, we want to know how and when technology will change things for us, our life, and our workday.

That was the case with the automobile, the television, the computer, and more.

The auto was little more than a toy before companies like Ford created new manufacturing and marketing models. A tire company called Michelin then developed guidebooks to show drivers where to go. When people were fascinated with the miracle of TV, it wasn’t Philo Farnsworth’s actual invention but the entertainment companies and advertisers that hooked us.

So it is with AI and machine learning, already part of our daily lives in search and social media.

Where will AI and the companies that use it take us in the future? How will it fit into our lives?

Techies at research company BBN recently peeked at how AI will change our lives in the coming years. Their focus tended toward networking, particularly 5G. After all, communication has been core to BBN dating back to Arpanet back in the 1960s.

Where are the changes?

Let’s look at their predictions, along with some opportunities that consumer-focused tech opens for businesses.

Think of AI as enabling 5G, and 5G then enabling new applications. Every every carrier and phone company is pushing 5G. BBN – citing Qualcomm — says will deliver improved service quality, better mobility management, and localization. 5G also promises better network efficiency, easier deployments, and tighter security.

BBN author Imtiaz Adams said the era of 5G will “will be a world where cloud servers will continue to be used, and also one whereby we witness the rise in prominence of AI on the edge (on device) where the data is generated enabling real-time (or very near real time) responses from intelligent devices.”

Now, combine 5G and AI to fuel machine-to-machine communications. BBN highlights the new opportunities for autonomous systems such as self-driving cars, new types of robots, and drones. All those rely on data from intelligent sensors throughout IoT networks. AI and 5G also can drive virtual and augmented reality to the next level, enabling enterprise digital transformation.

Adams also cited the promise of “improving healthcare with personalized medicine, finance with better services for the …….
