EDUCAUSE 2021: Using Advanced Analytics to Save Your Campus from the ‘Birth Dearth’ – EdTech Magazine: Focus on Higher Education

According to national estimates and projections, higher education institutions will face a significant decline in college-age students due to demographic decline, or the “birth dearth” triggered by the 2008 economic recession. Lisa Keegan, vice president of enrollment manage…….


Based mostly on nationwide estimates and projections, greater education institutions will face An monumental decline in school-age college students As a Outcome of of demographic decline, or the “delivery dearth” triggered by the 2008 financial recession. Lisa Keegan, Vice chairman of enrollment administration for Bucknell College, spoke Regarding the steps schools and universities can take To assist guarantee institutional continuity.

“When tright here was the financial decline round 2008, Tright here have been truly fewer infants born. And it’s exhausting To imagine about, however quick-forward and tright here are going to be fewer Highschool college students,” Keegan said. “So, that Signifies that The school-going inhabitants and the market Goes to be shrinking. Notably as We look out from 2025 to 2030, tright here’s going to be A delicate decline Of highschool graduates.”

Strategies that forward-assumeing institutions are using to stave off the influence of this decline embrace modifying admissions and retention actions, adapting processes, and shifting their recruiting focus to new potential markets with An eye fixed in the direction of variety.

“I’ve been spending A lot of my time Making sure That Every one of my colleagues, collectively with the institutional president and the board of trustees, understand what we’re going to do to climate this decline from 2025 to 2030,” Keegan said. “Most important, We now Want to assist the group That is out doing the work by offering them with knowledge that They will understand Of their current recruitment markets, And in addition Start to decide new markets that Take benefit of sense for our institution.”

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