WhatsApp Communities now available for Android, iOS and web: Reports – Hindustan Times

According to reports, WhatsApp’s recently-released Communities Feature is now available on Android, iOS and WhatsApp web. The feature was announced on November 3 by Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of the messaging platform’s parent company, Meta, as were several other updates.

Also Read: WhatsApp’…….

According to reports, WhatsApp’s recently-released Communities Feature is now available on Android, iOS and WhatsApp web. The feature was announced on November 3 by Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of the messaging platform’s parent company, Meta, as were several other updates.

Also Read: WhatsApp’s efforts to simplify groups into Communities, wouldn’t go unnoticed

WhatsApp Community

With Communities, users can bring groups with similar interests under one roof. Up to 50 groups can be added to a community, in addition to the announcement group. Also, a maximum of 5,000 members can be added to an announcement group.

To create a community:

(1.) Open WhatsApp, followed by ‘New Chat,’ ‘New Community,’ and ‘Get Started.’

(2.) Give the community a name (maximum 24 characters), description, and profile photo.

Also Read: Bring different WhatsApp groups under one roof with the Community feature

(3.) Tap ‘Next’ to add an existing group, or to create a new one (not more than 10).

(4.) To add existing groups, select the ones you are admin of, and tap ‘Next.’ For a new group, enter the group subject; this will be the name all participants will see.

(5.) Finally, tap ‘Create.’


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