‘Nightmare!’: Caravan owners face ‘most damaging and expensive’ costs this winter – Express

Google Trend data shows a 5,000 percent increase in searches for “motorhome for sale near me” and “motorhome sales near me”, and with habitation checks making motorcaravans more likely to sell, owners could benefit. A habitation check is an important inspection of the living area of a car…….

Google Trend data shows a 5,000 percent increase in searches for “motorhome for sale near me” and “motorhome sales near me”, and with habitation checks making motorcaravans more likely to sell, owners could benefit. A habitation check is an important inspection of the living area of a caravan or motorhome, is usually done by a professional engineer and makes sure the vehicle is roadworthy.

Shane Malpass, a spokesperson for We Buy Any Motorcaravan, said it was vital that drivers prepare their motorcaravan before the winter.

He warned of the damage that the bitter conditions can cause and how to combat a frozen windscreen.

He added: “Winterising your caravan is an important step to take to extend the longevity of your motorhome. 

“Many people prefer to travel in the summer months, where the weather is warmer and the evenings are lighter. 

READ MORE: Drivers warned diesel cars may not be best choice for fuel efficiency

Over the winter months, drivers should move their motorhome and caravan periodically.

This will prevent its workings from seizing up and ensure there are no unforeseen issues with the vehicle.

It is also vital for the wheels, as it will ensure that the whole weight of the vehicle is not sitting on the same spot on the tyres for months.

When left in the same place for an extended period of time, the tyres can become deformed and may lead to accidents.

Disconnecting the gas is also vital, with all storage facilities having policies on storing gas when it is not in use.

Gas bottles should be safely removed and if possible kept somewhere secure until they are needed again.