Elmwood Park man loses life savings in bank remote access scam – WLS-TV

ELMWOOD PARK, Ill. (WLS) — An Elmwood Park man has lost his life savings to scammers who trick their way into people’s online accounts by gaining remote access to their computers.

These scammers are using the pandemic as a tool to prey on more people, but there are red flags that can help you spo…….


ELMWOOD PARK, Ill. (WLS) — An Elmwood Park man has lost his life savings to scammers who trick their way into people’s online accounts by gaining remote access to their computers.

These scammers are using the pandemic as a tool to prey on more people, but there are red flags that can help you spot a potential thief.

Jamil Qandah is devastated by what these scammers took.

“This is my life, my life, my livelihood,” he said.

Jamil and his daughter Heidi lost almost $200,000 to the remote access scam.

“It’s affecting me so much, for example, I had things to do in my house I couldn’t do any more,” he said.

The scammers took about $100,000 from his checking and then another $100,000 from his home equity line of credit.

“I’m kind of almost get a little teary eyed over here just kind of thinking about it, because it, it changed everything. You know his whole life savings was taken from him,” Heidi said.

So how did this happen? Quandah has Avast Antivirus software. He got a call from a scammer posing as an employee of Avast.
“The person called me they said ‘Because of the coronavirus, we cannot continue serving you. And therefore, we would like to refund you $500’,” Jamil recalled.

He said the scammers ended up “refunding” thousands of dollars into his accounts, which they needed back, so the thieves convinced him to allow remote access. From there, they wiped out his money and sent it to a bank in Bangkok.

“I have lost almost $200,000,” Jamil said.

The I-Team talked to tech security experts at the real Avast Antivirus software, who said they never reach out to customers with stories about “refunds” and not being able to service accounts.

“What scammers will do is they just cycled through calling people, and they’ll pick a well-known name or recognized name that they believe people will trust and recognize,” said Christoper Budd, senior threat manager at Avast.

Budd said you should be skeptical of anyone who reaches out to you.

“If you if you start with that, you can cut almost cut these off at the knees because all of these scams, regardless of the technology they’re using to reach out to you, they all start with the same basic premise which is, they’re coming to you,” he said.

“It’s a psychological attack,” said security expert Karl Sigler at Chicago’s Trustwave.

Sigler said you should be reluctant to give anyone access to your computer, even when you are troubleshooting …….

Source: https://abc7chicago.com/remote-access-bank-account-scam-phone/10614378/